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How to Navigate Massuot

At FRS having a B'nei Mitzvah isn't just about the big day, but about all the friendships, conversations and experiences that make up the journey. 

The more you put in, the more you get out. We're looking forward to spending time with you and your family and accompanying your journey to B'nei Mitzvah.

Massuot is a Shabbat-centred programme, with our core times built around Friday evenings (Year 6 CLaL, Friday Group, Chavurah suppers and Kabbalat Shabbat services) and Saturday mornings (Year 7 CLaL, and Shabbat Shacharit services).

For details specific to your year group, please use the links below.
As we are amending the programme mid-cycle, please note that there are changes to each year group’s programme.

How to navigate Massuot for Year 6 - 2024/25 

How to navigate Massuot for Year 7 - 2024/25

How to navigate Massuot for Year 8 - 2024/25


Throughout the programme, you will have been collecting Nitzotzot (sparks) for core elements (e.g. CLaL), as well as community events, schemes, clubs, festivals, and cultural activities. From September 2024, we will be adjusting the Nitzotzot element of the programme so that you will only collect them for your Mitzvah Project, and for being in shul on Shabbat and some festivals. This will include being in services, being on the Kiddush rota, or on welcoming duty too.

Our hope is that you have come to recognise the benefits to you of increased engagement in community life, and that therefore even though you will no longer be logging your attendance at other events, you’ll still continue to enjoy coming along and being part of the community.

How to collect Nitzotzot 
At the Massuot Kick-Off day (8 September 2024) you will receive your Nitzotzot passport which will be kept at FRS so you never have to worry about losing it! At each service you come to, you can pick up your Nitzotzot passport and bring it to a member of Clergy at the end of the service to collect a nitzotz (flame) sticker.

You will need to collect a minimum of 18 nitzotzot for Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday night) and another 18 nitzotzot for Shacharit (Shabbat morning) over the course of the programme. Your nitzotzot passport will need to be completed by roughly four months before the date of your B’nei Mitzvah.

Upcoming dates are below. Booking is required for all Chavurah Dinners and the 2024/25 Year 8 sessions - click this link to book


There are no upcoming events at this time.


Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784