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Kindergarten - Policies

Here is a list of all the current policies adopted by the Kindergarten for children, families and staff.

Hard copies are available outside each classroom for your convenience. 


Health and Safety
Critical Incidents
Fire Evacuation Procedure
Health & Safety general standards
Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents
Risk Assessment

Promoting children’s safeguarding, welfare and health
Administering Medicines
Administering medicines medication record
Animals in the setting policy
British Values Policy
Emotional Health & Wellbeing
First Aid
Graduated Approach 
Healthy Eating
Information Sharing
Illness and Exclusion Policy
Nappy Changing Procedure
Online safety policy (including mobile phones and cameras)
Procedure for Outings
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Respectful Intimate Care Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Inclusion
Un-collected and Lost Children
Valuing Equality and Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Suitable People
Dealing with Discriminatory Behaviour Policy
Disciplinary & Grievance procedure for employees
Employment and Staffing
Staff and Volunteer Conduct
Staff Harrassment and Bullying

Children's Records
Confidentiality and Client Access to Records
FRS Staff DP Statement & Privacy Notice
Personal Data Protection policy & Privacy Notice

Admissions & eligibility
Making a complaint
Parental Partnership policy
Staff Homeworking 
Working in Partnership with Other Agencies


If you would like to discuss any of these policies, please contact Emma Wohl, FRS Kindergarten Headteacher at

Sun, 9 February 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785