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Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2024

All FRS Members and FRS Friends* are invited to attend the 
63rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Finchley Reform Synagogue to be held on
THURSDAY 21st MARCH 2024 at 7:30 pm

The meeting will be held on Zoom Meeting ID: 6861340661 Password: siddur

See below for documentation ►

The business of the meeting will be: 

- To approve the Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting 
- To receive the Annual Review  
- To receive and adopt the Annual Accounts 
- To elect the Directors and Honorary Officers (nomination forms attached)** 
- To appoint the Auditors 

* ‘FRS Friends’ refers to a specific category of synagogue membership
** nominations (by two FRS members) to be received by the Honorary Secretary not later than 7th March 2024. Any person so nominated shall signify to the Honorary Secretary, not later than 14th March 2024, that they are willing to serve if elected.

Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Synagogue is a closed meeting and will not be streamed on Facebook or our Website. 

Appointment of proxies: As a member of the Synagogue, you are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at the meeting. The Proxy form can be found below and must be completed, signed and delivered by no later than 10 am on Thursday 21 March 2024 to the Honorary Secretary at the Synagogue Office or by email to


1.   Welcome from the Chair
2.   Opening the meeting
3.   Apologies
4.   Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting and matters arising
5.   2023 Annual Review 
5.   Treasurer’s Presentation of the Annual Accounts
6.   Appointment of Auditors
7.   Election of Honorary Officers and Council Members
8.   Election of Deputies to represent FRS at the Board of Deputies
9.   Update on our Clergy team
10. Thanks and acknowledgments by the Chair
11. Meeting close


Election Bios:
Standing as Honorary Treasurer: Jeremy Summerfield
Standing as Co-Chair of Youth and Education: Michael Gabbay

Standing as Ordinary Directors:
Andrew Fetterman
David Evans
David Reinhardt
Deborah Mowbray
Gary Philip
Lisa Rousseau-Bedouch

Raymond Simonson

Re-Election Bios :
Standing for re-election as Chair: Jenny Nuni
Standing for re-election as Vice-Chair: Richard Reuben
Standing for re-election as Honorary Secretary: Ben Noah

Candidates for The Board of Deputies
The Board of Deputies of British Jews is the democratically elected representative organisation of the UK Jewish community. Anyone member of FRS (over 18) can stand to be a Deputy. Deputies represent FRS at the Board of Deputies and they are responsible for voting for the President, Vice Presidents and Treasurer. They also help to formulate policies at plenary meetings as well as within the four divisions of the Board of Deputies.
Elections take place every three years or when an existing Deputy stands down. For more information about the role of a Deputy, please click here to watch this short video.
Deputies are encouraged to attend approximately eight plenary meetings per year. These meetings are hybrid style so they can attend in person or online. Please contact for more information.

Nomination Bios: To be an FRS Deputy at the Board of Deputies:

Robert Stone
Nina Morris-Evans
Sonti Ramirez
Bailey Prevezer







Fri, 25 October 2024 23 Tishrei 5785