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Where you go, I will go...

Comings and Goings
Cantor Zöe Jacobs & Cantor Sarah Grabiner
We'll explore prayers for journeys in text and song... after a year of staying put!
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(Meeting ID: 686 134 0661
Passcode: siddur)

The Doctor, the Rabbi and the Cantor Take Responsibility
Dr Tom Aslan, Rabbi Miriam Berger and Cantor Tamara Wolfson

Dr Aslan has been overseeing part of the vaccine roll-out for the borough of Camden. It has been so much more than a medical exercise: it has been steeped in morals, ethics and values. When we stood together at Sinai, our understanding of Jewish social responsibility began. We will take Dr Aslan’s 21st-century experiences and weave through them the ancient Jewish texts and songs which illuminate our behaviour. 
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(Meeting ID: 834 2429 2782
Passcode: 205470)

While You're Walking by the Way
Rabbi Paul Freedman & Rabbi Elliott Karstadt
Elisha ben Abuyah and Rabbi Meir take a socially distant walk and talk. Let's 'walk' with them and see what they're arguing about. The real question is, how far can you go? And is there ultimately a way back?
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(Meeting ID: 819 7853 1947
Passcode: 085951)

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Fri, 10 May 2024 2 Iyar 5784